Professional COACH
Spaghetti Brain UNTANGLER
Authentic Leadership PARTNER
Two Times MOTHER
Safe Space ARTISAN
Partner in strengthening your leadership skills and growing your team.
Find the right glasses for you to have more clarity on your life roles.
Solve together the puzzle of aligning behaviors with your values.
Be curious about how you can turn your aspirations into reality!
We don’t see things as THEY are, we see things as WE are.
My part is to help you see all of these and how they serve you or not.
No matter the roles you have: leader, parent, professional or any other role, we are all facing biases, we all have patterns, challenges and RESOURCES.
My vocation is to facilitate for you gaining new perspectives, increasing and training your awareness, manifesting your authenticity, and reaching out for excellence.
My process focuses on:
Identifying where you are now, what are your challenges, needs, aspirations.
Building up awareness on biases, patterns, resources, your identity & manifesting authenticity. Your Why.
Filling the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Designing action plans for sustainable results.

Hi! I am Nicoleta
I am curious what’s your superpower!
My mission is to help people dissolve their imaginary fences that keep them from being everything they can be.
I am a seasoned
Change Facilitator
15+ years of coaching and HR consulting international experience.
As a Professional Certified Coach, I guide people to achieve their true potential once they uncover it, explore it and fully engage with it.
I partner with managers to lead with authenticity.
I enable the space for teams to trust and collaborate
I guide working parents into finding their balance through all the roles of their lives.
I untangle the web of thoughts in defining new career transitions.
Curious how we can partner ?
Curious how we can partner ?
Curious how we can partner ?
Partenering with managers to empower their TEAM
3-6 Months Partnerships
What you get:
Clarity on your leader role (WHO are you as a leader)
Refining your leadership skills (HOW can you be the leader you want to be)
Increase awareness and manifest it through authentic leadership (WHAT can you do)
Safe space for experimenting
A thinking partener who is not afraid to challenge you
Balancing between strategy and operations, how to keep my team motivated, how do I build trust, how to enable my team to reach performance, increasing assertiveness, feedback conversations, conflict management, delegating down, across and up, my purpose as a leader, self leadership.
Step 1: Alignment
Assessing the current framework, the presenting issue, the matching.
Matching call with the manager/ stakeholders.
Leadership Assessment
90-minute debrief call
Step 2: Designing & deploying the personalized leadership development
Defining the outcome of the program, best hopes, the steps, the tools, the time frame.
Increasing awareness, focus on what is already working, what are other resources, the beliefs, the barriers, new possibilities.
Two private 60-minute sessions via Zoom per month for at least 3 months.
Email and text support in between
Resources and check-in provided as needed
Step 3: Action Plan & Measurement
Building up an action plan and a measurement rhythm, reflecting on progress, celebrating the growth.
One 60-minute sessions on Zoom
Personal Growth Assessment
Next Steps planning
Partnering with working parents to find out who they are besides their parent role
3-6 Months Partnerships
What you get:
Clarity on who you are among all the roles in your life;
Clarity on the impact that you want to have personally or professionally;
Increased self trust
Safe space to practice self compassion
Define what is in your control.
Balancing personal and professional, a more meaningful career, how do I grow in my career, accepting the context limitations, time for myself, am I a good parent?, am I a good professional?, navigating uncertainty.
Step 1: Alignment
Assessing the current framework, the presenting issue, the matching.
Matching call with the working parent.
Current situation and needs Assessment: career transition, balancing life &
work, personal beliefs.
90-minute debrief call
Step 2: Designing & deploying the personalized process
Defining the outcome of the program, career processes may include role plays and interview simulations , best hopes, the steps, the tools, the time frame.
Increasing awareness, focus on what is already working, what are other resources, the beliefs, the barriers, new possibilities.
Two private 60-minute sessions via Zoom per month for at least 3 months.
Email and text support in between
Resources and check-in provided as needed
Step 3: Action Plan & Measurement
Building up an action plan and a measurement rhythm, reflecting on progress, celebrating the growth.
One 60-minute sessions on Zoom
Personal Growth Assessment
Next Steps planning
Team development
6-12 Months Partnerships
What you get:
Clarity on the impact that your team has;
Increased efficiency and better communication within the team;
Increased awareness over the team dynamics and how they serve you or not;
Safe space for modeling a trustful environment;
Constructive communication tools;
The lack of trust and safe space, unexpressed expectations, lack of motivation, what is the team purpose, unproductive communication, team conflicts, lack of a decision process, navigating uncertainty.
Part 1: Team coaching
Personalized team coaching program based on the team specific needs aligned with the stakeholders objectives.
A minimum 6 months program
Assessment of the team current status
Personalized designed programs which may include assisting team
Meetings, specific workshops aligned with the team objectives.
Part 2: On demand workshops
Personalized workshops based on the team specific needs.
One time workshop, webinar or specific programs.
Assessment of the team current status and needs
Personalized designed programs using coaching methods:
Communication skills
Enabling empathy
Building safe space
Self leadership.

Hours of Individual Coaching
Hours of Group Sessions

Emotion is MY superpower!
I am curious about what drives people, what they excel at.
Finding that strength for yourself enables transformation!
Through coaching, I help clients see themselves in a new light, and identify how they think about themselves and the situations and challenges they face. From this new angle, obstacles don’t seem so big or impossible anymore, and together we can draw efficient action plans for the future.
My practice revolves around strong reflection of patterns and beliefs, patience, and the ability to help people feel empowered.
A space of authenticity and safety, always.